Thursday, February 6, 2014

Organic Sugar Cookies

These taste sweet...not healthy :)

Finally! I figured out how to make organic sugar cookies that I can decorate. I did not get a good enough picture of this batch, and I'm sure that some of y'all can do a much better job of the decorating, but you get the idea. ;)

I found this recipe in a cute book that my mom got for me and my daughter. I tweaked the recipe some, but it gave me a good place to start. I had searched quite a bit to try to find a way to make the Christmas cookies with sprinkles that I used to make before my quest for all things organic and non gmo. While, I didn't find healthy sprinkles, I did concoct a frosting that is easy to use and tastes pretty yummy. And you can make lots of different flavors. 

Also, it took me a couple of flops and then I finally found Organic All Purpose Flour. I didn't want to use my usual organic wheat flour because I wanted them to still resemble regular sugar cookies. I even tried coconut flour because I thought that it would be the right color. That is known as the Cookie Debacle of 2013 now. ;)  I forgot that coconut flour does not equate the same as other flours because it is much more dense and absorbs all of the moisture, thus making them like dog biscuits. Live and learn.


3/4 Cup Softened Butter (non hormone)
1 Cup Organic Sugar
2 Organic Cage Free Eggs
1 Tsp Organic Vanilla
1 Tsp Baking Powder (Aluminum Free)
1 Tsp Salt
3 Cups Organic All Purpose Flour 


  1. Beat butter and sugar until well blended
  2. Beat in eggs and vanilla
  3. Stir in flour, baking powder and salt until combined
  4. Form a ball
  5. Roll it out on floured wax paper and cut shapes
  6. Bake at 350 F for 10 - 14 minutes 


For these I used frozen strawberries and organic powdered sugar. I pureed the strawberries in my Ninja food processor (I love that thing!). Then, I added powdered sugar into the Ninja, alternating pureeing and adding, until it had a thick, but spreadable consistency. 

At Christmas, we used fresh mint leaves, organic powdered sugar, and a little bit of almond milk. At my daughter's request, we also made some with cocoa, powdered sugar, and a little almond milk to make chocolate frosting. All of them have turned out pretty yummy so far, and they stay fresh for a few days. I did put the strawberry ones in the fridge after the first day just to make sure, they taste great right out of the fridge. :)