Saturday, November 2, 2013

Hydrating Lemon Cucumber Mint Detox Water

Such a Yummy Way to Stay Healthy

So this is almost self explanatory by the name and picture, but I wanted to share this simple and tasty way to hydrate and naturally detoxify your system. I for one do not drink enough water, and this water concoction makes me want to drink more and has a few more added benefits than plain water. The cucumber is known for its hydrating qualities (although to add a disclaimer, I am not a doctor) and lemon is naturally cleansing. I also add mint leaves when I have them, which is a natural tummy soother and aids in digestion. 


  1. Slice Organic Lemon & Cucumber 
  2. Place in Container of Choice (along with Mint)
  3. Pour Bottled/Filtered Water Over Slices
  4. Refrigerate Overnight
I only use half of a cucumber if it is good sized, and one lemon with the ends cut off. If I drink all of it the next day, I will pour water over the same lemons and cucumber slices one more time and refrigerate again. They tend to get bitter after the second batch and look like they need to be thrown out. Then I use the other half of the cucumber and another lemon and do it all again. So, you should be able to get about 4 days worth out of 1 large cucumber and 2 lemons. 

It also makes a great drink for when you have company. I even squeezed some lemon into ice cube trays and put little mint leaves in them to freeze in the ice, which was a huge hit. My brother had some the last time he came over and nearly drank the whole thing. Then, today when he came over, he said "So, you got any of that cucumber water??"

Update...I got this 2.15 Gallon container with a spout. Now, I don't have to fill it as often and the cucumber and lemon doesn't seem to sour as quickly. :)

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