Sunday, November 3, 2013

Wheat Grass Mocha

Luscious Flavor for Wheat Grass- Who Knew?!

So I have friends who drink Wheat Grass and have been reading articles about its awesomeness, and I finally had to try it for myself. Thanks to the very nice man in my local HEB, I found a way to try it without going full out straight wheat grass flavor. He showed me the Amazing Grass Green Superfood Chocolate flavor and said that he put it in his coffee. 

This is what I came up with, and I really like it. It took me a few tries to get it just right, and as everyone tastes are a little different, you might have to play around with this recipe some too. But I wanted to share because I wasn't sure where to start on my journey to discovering wheat grass and I thought maybe this would be helpful for those of you who are also contemplating it. 

I store my Superfood in the freezer to keep it fresh, so with that being cold and pouring in half a cup of cold almond milk in it, I don't have to wait for it to cool down. I can drink it immediately. If you like your drinks really hot, you might want to microwave it once you have it all mixed together. 

Ok, so I am probably the last person on earth to own a 4 cup Mr. Coffee. Do they even sell those anymore? You can use whatever coffee, and coffee maker, you like. ;)

1 Scoop Chocolate Green Superfood
1/2 Cup (of Whatever Size Coffee Cup You Use) Coffee (I make about 2 cups in my 4 cup maker)
1 Spoonful Organic Sugar
1/2 Cup (of Whatever Size Coffee Cup You Use) Vanilla Almond Milk


  1. Brew coffee
  2. Put scoop of Green Superfood in cup
  3. Put spoonful of sugar in cup and mix up with Superfood (it helps to stir it up so that the wheat grass dissolves)
  4. Pour coffee over mixture of sugar and Superfood til it's about half full
  5. Pour almond milk into coffee mixture til the cup is about full
  6. Stir
  7. Enjoy!

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